Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the class 10 sample question papers and marking scheme which will be applicable for the upcoming board examinations in 2020. The Board is yet to announce exam dates but it is highly likely that CBSE class 10 exams will be held in March. With board exams only a few months away, it is the right time for students to begin preparing for the exam.
Class 10 Board exam students often find Sanskrit to be tough which is justified given that Sanskrit is not a language students speak on daily basis and hence are not fluent in it.
However, if done right students can easily score more than 90% or even score full marks in this paper.
Sanskrit question paper will be of 80 marks. The question paper will have total four sections and 16 questions with internal options and sub-divisions. Students will be allowed a time of three hours to complete answering the question paper.
The questions as well as the instructions for question will be in Sanskrit and students would have to answer all questions in Sanskrit only. Students are advised to work through sample question papers repeatedly and read the instructions too so as to not be confused with instructions written in Sanskrit on the actual day of the exam.
Below is a section-wise description of the class 10 Sanskrit question paper.
Section A
Section A will be unseen passage. This section will carry 10 marks. There will be one unseen passage and very-short answer type and one-word answer type questions will be asked from this section.
Section B
Section B will be creative writing. This section will carry 15 marks. There will be two questions in this section. In one question, students will be given a letter or a passage with blanks and they will have to fill the blanks with words that would complete the sentence in a meaningful manner.
In the second question, students would be given a prompt and some words to write a passage. The passage should be grammatically correct, stick to the theme or subject provided, and must have minimum 5 sentences. For this question try to construct meaningful sentences which lead to a conclusive argument.
Section C
Section C is Sanskrit Grammar. This section will carry 25 marks and is the least time-consuming of all the sections. If a student has prepared enough, they will be able to score full marks in this section. There will be 7 questions in this section, each with sub-parts. Read the instructions very carefully before answering.
Section D
Section D will have questions from the textbook prescribed to students carrying total 30 marks. Questions will mostly be very-short answer type and short-answer type. Read the chapters prescribed in your textbook carefully.
The key to scoring good marks in this paper is to memorize the grammatical rules and read the questions carefully.
CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Sample Paper
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