The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the board exam for Class 10 Social Science on March 7, 2024. Students appearing in the boards can visit the official website of the CBSE to check question papers of the previous years to familiarise themselves with the paper pattern. Question papers are available from the board year 2019 on the official website of the CBSE.
Important High Marks Questions From Previous Year Paper
Q) (a) "There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world." Support the statement with examples.
(b) "Democracy can address all socio-economic and political problems." Support the statement with arguments.
Q) (a) Analyse the impact of globalization in India.
(b) Analyse the ways to make globalization fair.
Q) (a) Analyse the implications of First World War on the economic and Political situation of India.
(b) Analyse the role of folklore and symbols in the revival of nationalism in India during late 19th century.
Q ) 'Efficient means of Transport are pre-requisite for fast development.' Justify the statement.
Q) (a) Respect and equal treatment to women are necessary ingredients in a democratic society. Support the statement with examples.
(b) 'Democracy transforms people from the status Of a subject into that of a citizen.' Support the statement with examples.
Q) (a) 'Globalization is a multi-dimensional concept.' Examine the statement.
(b) Examine the steps taken by the developing countries to attract foreign Investment.