
CBSE Board Exam 2025: Check Important Questions From Class 12 Business Studies Sample Paper

The CBSE Board exam for Business Studies for Class 12 is scheduled for February 22, 2025.

CBSE Board Exam 2025: Check Important Questions From Class 12 Business Studies Sample Paper
Students can visit the official CBSE website to check sample papers.
Education Result
New Delhi:

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is conducting the Class 10 and 12 board exams for the 2025 academic year. The Class 10 exams began with English, while the Class 12 exams started with Entrepreneurship. The Business Studies exam for Class 12 is scheduled for February 22, 2025. Students can visit the official CBSE website to check sample papers.

The following are some of the important questions of Business Studies from CBSE sample paper. 

Q) Explain the four elements of marketing mix.
Q) Explain any four factors affecting determination of the price of a product or service.

Q)  Leena has been appointed as the Operations Manager in a small trading company dealing in garments, with growing online sales. The company has recently rented space in a warehouse to store garments and mail out orders. In order to take over the responsibilities of order fulfilment, Leena promotes an associate, Kushagra to the post of Inventory and Order fulfilment Supervisor. Kushagra has been given the task to assess whether it is best to process orders as they come in or let them accumulate and then to process them in batches. He concludes that accumulating and then processing them in batches is the best way of fulfilling orders, in order to minimise cost and maximise customer satisfaction.
Through several readings Leena finds that the standard time taken from the placement of order to the delivery of garments for a batch of 100 pieces is 72 hours. This helped her to determine the labour cost.
On the basis of the understanding of concepts of scientific management, identify and explain the techniques used by Leena and Kushagra to improve the performance of the employees.

Q) Differentiate between functional structure and divisional structure on the basis of:
(I) Formation
(II) Specialisation
(III) Responsibility
(IV) Managerial development
(V) Cost
(VI) Coordination

Q) ‘Delegation helps a manager to extend his area of operations as without it, his activities would be restricted to only what he himself can do.' In light of the above statement, explain how effective delegation helps the organisation in achieving objectives.

Q) It was established by the Government of India on 12 April 1988 as an interim administrative body to promote orderly and healthy growth of the securities market and for investor protection. It was given statutory status in 1992 through an Act of Parliament.
(I) Identify the regulatory body which has been highlighted above.
(II) State the three objectives of the regulatory body identified in part (I).
(III) State any two functions that are performed for the development of the securities market by the regulatory body identified in part (I).

Q) Give any four points of difference between advertising and personal selling. 

Q) When Chandrashekhar Shukla returned to India after completing a Certificate course in Food Quality Assurance and Quality Control from the Netherlands, he was convinced that he would fulfil his grandfather's dream of converting their 58 acre land into a fertile farm. He started by setting out specific goals and laid down related activities to be performed to achieve the goals. Soon he launched his own company ‘Food and Agribusiness Solutions Private Limited'.
He sought to ensure that the future events effectively meet the best interest of the company. He prepared an annual statement for production and sales, based on sales forecasting. He noticed that the farmers grew only paddy due to which land remained idle for the subsequent 8 to 9 months of the year. He identified and assessed various alternatives through which farms could be utilised for the remaining months of the year.
Through his accurate vision, judgement and systematic thinking based on analysis of the facts, he presented a scheme to the farmers where both paddy and vegetables could be grown. Identify and explain the features of one of the functions of Management highlighted above.

Q) Explain how Planning and controlling are both backward looking, as well as forward looking functions.
Q) The first step in the controlling process is setting up performance standards. Explain the subsequent two steps in the process of controlling.

Q) In order to streamline the selection procedure, so as to minimise the margin of errors, certain tests are carried out that attempt to measure the characteristics of individuals. Explain any four such tests.
Q) Since jobs have become more complex, the importance of employee training has increased. Training programmes provide numerous benefits to workers. Explain any four points that support this statement.

Q) When Bhaanupriya joined as technical head of Logic Lotus Innovators, she was keen on increasing the productivity and profitability of the company. However, she observed that the employees were demotivated as no attention was given to their work. Also, the workers were given little freedom to make decisions.
Bhaanupriya decided to stimulate the employees by giving each worker Tshirts with their name on it. She also decided to include workers in work committees. This helped in improving the performance of the workers.
(I) On the basis of the understanding of Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory of motivation, identify the human need that Bhaanupriya has recognised in order to make the subordinates act towards achievement of organisational goals.
(II) Identify and explain two incentives that have been provided by Bhanupriya to improve the performance of the employees.