CBSE Board Exams 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is currently conducting the 2025 board examinations. The Class 10 exams commenced with the English paper, while the Class 12 exams began with Entrepreneurship on February 15. As per the official schedule, Class 10 board exams will conclude on March 18, while Class 12 exams will end on April 4.
Major Papers Conducted So Far
For Class 10, the key papers conducted so far include English, Science, Sanskrit, and Social Science. For Class 12, students have appeared for Entrepreneurship, Physical Education, Physics, Business Studies, and Business Administration. The next major Class 12 examination is Geography on February 24, while the Social Science paper for Class 10 is scheduled for February 25.
Sample Questions For CBSE Class 10 Social Science Paper
Ahead of the upcoming Social Science exam, here are some key sample questions that students can expect:
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Why did nationalists in late-19th century India focus on recording and preserving folklore?
(A) To create new forms of artistic expression that reflected modern India.
(B) To restore a sense of pride in traditional culture and national identity.
(C) To use folklore as a tool for economic development and modernisation.
(D) To promote a uniform culture that could be adopted across all Indian regions.
The northeastern states of India, such as Nagaland, Mizoram, and Arunachal Pradesh, enjoy special status in the Indian Constitution because:
(A) The area has lush green forests.
(B) Literacy rates are very high.
(C) Of their social and historical circumstances.
(D) The people speak many different languages.
Which of the following factors significantly contribute to globalisation?
Expansion of Multinational Corporations (MNCs).
Advancements in information and communication technology.
Nationalisation and trade barriers.
Cross-border movement of people for jobs and education.
Which of the following statements about federalism in the Indian Constitution are correct?
India is declared a Union of States.
Power-sharing between the Union and State governments is a basic feature.
The power-sharing arrangement is easy to change.
Changes in power-sharing require a one-third majority in both Houses of Parliament.
What is the true meaning of 'equal treatment of women' as a necessary ingredient of a democratic society?
Women are always treated with respect and dignity.
It is now easier for women to legally fight for their rights.
Most societies worldwide are now women-dominated.
Women are now treated as equals in the political arena.
In the Indian economy, the three sectors (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary) are interdependent. However, the share of employment in the primary sector remains high. The most appropriate explanation for this could be:
Government policies preferentially treat the primary sector.
The Indian economy is largely agrarian, and the majority of the population is dependent on agriculture.
Inadequate service sector jobs force people to continue working in primary sectors.
The primary sector provides raw materials for the secondary and tertiary sectors.
Very Short Answer Questions (2 Marks Each)
"Agriculture and industry are not exclusive of each other. They move hand in hand." Justify your answer with examples.
'The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world.' Substantiate the statement with illustrations.
"New crops can significantly impact survival and well-being." Provide evidence to support this statement.
India, with its vast population and diversity, represents a classic example of power-sharing that exemplifies the very spirit of democracy. Justify the statement.
"Local government is an effective way to uphold the democratic principle of decentralization." Justify this statement with valid points.
Short Answer-Based Questions
"By the 17th century, as urban culture bloomed in China, the uses of print diversified." Explain the statement with suitable examples.
(A) 'Romanticism, a cultural movement, sought to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiment.' Justify the statement with suitable arguments.
(B) 'The Treaty of Vienna depicted the spirit of conservatism.' Substantiate the statement with key features of the treaty.
(A) "Political parties are a necessary condition for democracy." Analyse the statement with relevant points.
(B) "Political parties today face several challenges that impact their democratic functioning." Justify this statement.
Exam Guidelines For Students
Reporting Time: Candidates must reach the examination centre well in advance. Entry will not be permitted after 10am.
Dress Code & Identification: Students must wear their school uniform and carry their CBSE admit card along with their school ID.
Prohibited Items: Mobile phones, smartwatches, and electronic devices are strictly not allowed inside the examination hall.
Social Media Advisory: Students must refrain from spreading exam-related rumours or sharing confidential materials on platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, YouTube, and X.
The CBSE board exams are being conducted across 7,842 centres in India and 26 countries abroad, with nearly 42 lakh students appearing for the 2025 session.