This Article is From Dec 03, 2017

CBSE Sample Paper For Class 10 Maths Exam

CBSE has released sample papers for different subjects at the official website.

CBSE Sample Paper For Class 10 Maths Exam
CBSE Class 10 Board Exam, Sample Question Paper, Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme
New Delhi: Mathematics paper for CBSE class 10 students will be held on 28 March 2018. Here's the marking scheme and question paper pattern for the Maths paper as released by the Board. CBSE has released marking scheme and sample papers for all main subjects. Last time,  CBSE class 10 board examinees of Dubai, United Arab Emirates had launched a petition seeking ' 'Lenient correction for AISSE Math Paper Foreign Set 30/ 2/ (1,2,3,4)'.

Click here for marking scheme and sample question paper for science paper

CBSE Class 10 Sample Question Paper, Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme 2017-2018: Maths Paper

  • The Maths question paper will comprise of a total of 30 questions; 6 questions (1 mark each), 6 questions (2 marks each), 10 questions (3 marks each) and 8 questions (4 marks each).
  • Candidates will be provided an internal choice in four questions of 3 marks each and three questions of 4 marks each; where candidates have to attempt only one of the choices.
  • The maximum marks will be 80 and candidates will be allowed 3 hours to attempt it
  • Candidates must go through the marking scheme given in the official website for understanding the step wise marking scheme. CBSE has divided each answer into different steps and each step carries a part of the total marks. For example, in a probability question which carries a total of 2 marks, the mark distribution for the steps will be 0.5 mark, 1 mark and 0.5 mark.
  • Candidates must be more careful about the conclusion as CBSE has allotted 0.5-1 mark for the same.
  • CBSE Class 10 maths sample paper can be found below:

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