This Article is From Mar 03, 2018

Appearing For CBSE Class 10 Exam? Read These Last Minute Preparation Strategy And Tips

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 10 or All India Secondary School Examination will start from March 5 i.e on Monday.

Appearing For CBSE Class 10 Exam? Read These Last Minute Preparation Strategy And Tips
The class 10 board exams will begin from March 5, 2018 and will continue till April 4
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 10 or All India Secondary School Examination will start from March 5 i.e on Monday. The class 10 board exams will begin from March 5, 2018 and will continue till April 4, for class 12 students the exam will continue till April 12, 2018. According to the date sheet released by CBSE, the class 10 exams will start with papers like Information and Communication Technology, Banking and Insurance on March 5 and will end with Painting paper. 

A total of 16,38,428 candidates have registered for CBSE class 10 examination, this year.

The students must be exhausted with a lot of study and preparation for one of the important exams in your life.

Here we have put together some expert last minute preparation tips and strategy for the class 10 board students:

Selective Revision

Yes, selective revision. Now is not the time to revise every topic and chapter. Instead focus only on the main takeaways from every chapter. Once you are done with all the subject, do a consolidated study and holistically analyze social science as a subject and make bullet point notes of all the important topics.

Eat healthy food

In these final crucial hours of exam preparation, students often forget to tend to their health, which is the worst possible thing that you can do to yourself at this point. Try to follow a healthy diet in these last crucial hours and that is going to help you in myriad ways.

No study time

Spare some time regularly to rest, have a nutritious diet, and play or listen to music as per your likings. It will not only, freshen you up but will restore your energy and efficiency to hit to the perfect scores. Now, is the time to relax and enjoy some time away from exam stress. Meditate or go for a walk or play some sport ... to provide your brain the necessary respite. Also go to bed early. Do not indulge in late night studying.

Have positivity

Positivity means the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude. Having positivity in your mind is the key to success, so wear it along with the zeal to leave your best imprint on the wall of your success and remember...hard work never fails!

All the best from NDTV Education Team!

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