This Article is From Mar 01, 2018

CBSE Board Exams 2018: Preparation Tips For Class 10 Science Paper (Chemistry Section)

CBSE Class 10 science paper exam will be held on March 16.

CBSE Board Exams 2018: Preparation Tips For Class 10 Science Paper (Chemistry Section)
CBSE Class 10 science paper exam will be held on March 16.
CBSE Class 10 board exams will start from March 5. According to the time table released by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), science paper exam will be held on March 16. "At times", Anima Dixit, TGT, Chemistry, G.D. Goenka Public School, Greater Noida said, "many of the students fail to get what they really expect from themselves, just because, they fail to incorporate some basic things in their preparation and land up on compromising with their grades". 

Keeping this in mind, Ms Anima Dixit has suggested these valuable tips to ensure your success in the upcoming board exams with special reference to chemistry, to turn yourself from 'chemistry-phobic' to 'chemistry-phillic': 

"The very first tip to win the half game in the beginning only, is to be regular in studying chemistry and complete your syllabus before time to avoid last minute stress.

Divide your syllabus in two parts. First, the portion, which is easy and may fetch you marks easily and, secondly, the part which needs you working hard to ensure your success. So, start with easy part, consolidate the concepts and then gradually work upon the tougher one.

Extract out the summary of each chapter, go through it repeatedly till exam is over and highlight all the important concepts and texts while studying the chapter, which will also speed up your last minute revision.

Students must use NCERT books to prepare thoroughly as many of the questions are given there as same as in the question paper of board examination.

Your preparation requires objectivity, so maintain this objective point of view while preparing for final exam. Emphasis must be given to understanding rather than cramming, as chemistry is more about understanding and application of the concepts.

Previous year question papers of both the terms can be used as a preparatory tool to have an idea of the types of questions in a board papers. 

Before, you start writing the answers in your sheet, go through the instructions carefully and follow them strictly. 

Time management is a very important aspect during examination time. So, divide your time skillfully to have a perfect balance between number of questions and time available.

Last but not the least, spare some time regularly to rest, have nutritious diet, and play or listen to music as per your likings. It will not only, freshen you up but will restore your energy and efficiency to hit to the perfect scores.

Having positivity in your mind is the key to success, so wear it along with the zeal to leave your best imprint on the wall of your success and remember....hard work never fails".

(With Inputs from Anima Dixit, TGT, Chemistry, G.D. Goenka Public School, Greater Noida)

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