CBSE class 10 students will appear for Social Science paper tomorrow. Along with the final revision, students must go through the marking scheme. Students should understand the mark distribution of each question so that they know how to answer a particular question and fetch the maximum marks. The question paper will carry a total of 26 questions out of which 7 will be very short answer type. The highest marks allotted to a question will be 5 marks. 11 questions will be of 3 marks each.
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Paper; Last-Minute Preparation Tips
Students should be careful with the number of words. There will be 7 questions, carrying 5 marks each, which students have to answer in 100 words each. Likewise, for questions carrying 3 marks each, the answer should be written in 80 words. 1 mark type questions should be answered in a single sentence.
Students should take care of the presentation of the answer. Wherever required the answer should be written in points.
Map questions are compulsory in Social Science. There will be one question in this section where the History part will carry 2 marks and the Geography part will carry 3 marks.
Every question number should be mentioned clearly against its respective answer. Do draw a line after every answer so that it is easy for the examiner to check the answer.
This is the last paper for class 10 students of CBSE.
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