This Article is From Mar 27, 2019

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Paper On Friday; Last-Minute Preparation Tips

Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE will conduct Class 10 Social Science paper on March 29.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Paper On Friday; Last-Minute Preparation Tips
CBSE Class 10 Social Science paper will be held from 10.30 to 1.30 in the morning shift on Thursday.
New Delhi:

Central Board of Secondary Education or CBSE will conduct Class 10 Social Science paper on March 29. With the CBSE Social Science paper, Board's Class 10 annual examinations will be concluded. CBSE Class 10 Social Science paper will be held from 10.30 to 1.30 in the morning shift on Friday. Class 10 students are bound to be more anxious as they face board exams for the first time. While students go through a series of tests and exams in their school which follow board exam pattern, it is still a big deal for them to appear for the exam on the D-day. One of the key ways to reduce anxiety is to prepare well in advance and not leave any topic for last minute revision. 

It is very important for students to take it in their stride and prepare thoroughly for the same as careful planning and hard work will go a long way in reducing anxiety and securing good marks.

Last year, we talked to Ms Mukta Kohli of G.D. Goenka Public School, about her recommendations for board exam preparations and tips for students.

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Here are some preparation tips recommended by Ms Mukta Kohli:

- Plan your preparation thoroughly and methodically before the exam. Plan subject wise e.g. start with History revision first as it is more lengthy and will take more time. Next, you can plan to revise political science as you have to memorize most of the chapters. Geography requires more understanding than rote as it will increase your overall score. Even if you do not know the exact answer for a particular question in geography, general answers are always awarded marks especially in questions related to Water resources and Energy resources. Revise Economics at the end, as it has least number of chapters. It will also increase your scores because of certain questions on topics which are repeated every year and also by attempting value based questions.

- Once you are done with the entire subject, do a consolidated study and holistically analyze social science as a subject and make bullet point notes of all the important topics.

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- Scan each and every page of your NCERT book. CBSE Board strictly follows NCERT book and over the years every single question has been from NCERT book. Once you are thorough with this book, then only go through other Refreshers.
- Take some mock tests which are available online. Also solve CBSE, sample papers which are also available on the CBSE website.

- On the day of your exam, spend first 15 minutes analyzing the question paper and figuring out the answers.

Read: CBSE Board Exam 2019: Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper, Marking Scheme; Check Here

- Attempt what you are thorough with, first. Do not take 1 Mark questions lightly as they can be tricky sometimes, but if you are thorough with your subject, 1 markers are most scoring.  

- Attempt 3 markers in points and always write one extra point if you have time. Always follow your point with at least one line explanation.

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- Attempt 5 marks questions also in points. 5 points to be precise but do not forget to explain these points as they are long answer type questions. Substantiate your answers with diagrams in geography and flow charts in political science.

- For questions like Define or Differentiate, always substantiate your answer with suitable examples for the same.

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- Map question in geography is a sure shot scorer and prepare some obvious questions thoroughly like  soils, airports, dams , and nuclear power plants. Mark them clearly using colored pencils. Do not use sketch pens please.

- Leave last 15 minutes duration of the exam for revision. Scan through both the question paper and the answer sheet for any un-attempted questions. Also check for improvements in any particular answer if any.

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- Last but not the least, keep wits about yourself and maintain a calm composure while attempting your paper.

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