The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will release the admit cards for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) 2024 two days before the exam. The exam has been scheduled for December 14 and 15, therefore, the admit cards are expected to be released on December 12 and 13. The admit cards will comprise information about the exam centre, address, reporting time and other details.
Candidates must carry the CTET admit cards along with a valid ID proof as they will be required to present the same at the exam centre on the day of the exam. Students entering the exam hall will undergo mandatory biometric attendance. In case, any candidate enters the exam hall without marking biometric attendance, his/her result will get cancelled.
CTET 2024 Paper format:
CTET December 2024 will consist of two papers. Paper 1 will be held for the post of teachers of classes 1 to 5, while Paper 2 will be conducted for teachers of classes 6 to 8. Those wishing to apply for both levels must appear for both papers.
Exam timing:
Morning Shift: Paper 2 from 9.30am to 12 noon
Afternoon Shift: Paper 1 from 2.30pm to 5pm
CTET 2024: Steps to download Admit Card
- Step 1: Visit the official website, ctet.nic.in
- Step 2: On the homepage, find and click the link to download the CTET December 2024 admit card.
- Step 3: Enter your login credentials on the new page to access your admit card.
- Step 4: Verify the details on the admit card, and then save the page.
- Step 5: Print a copy for your records.