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CBSE Launches Online Capacity Building Programme For Counsellors, Teachers

CBSE Capacity Building Program: Aligned with the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the programmes underscore the key role of comprehensive counselling in shaping students' academic and personal growth.

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CBSE Launches Online Capacity Building Programme For Counsellors, Teachers
CBSE Programme: Participants will have the opportunity to interact with mentors and resource persons.
In a significant initiative aimed at enhancing educational counselling capabilities across the country, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced a series of Online Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for counsellors and teachers. Aligned with the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, these programmes underscore the key role of comprehensive counselling in shaping students' academic and personal growth.

The CBPs are designed to elevate the knowledge and skills of educators in key areas such as career counselling and psychosocial support. Participants will gain insights to help students explore career options, set achievable goals, and plan for future success.

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"Recognising the critical role of counselling in students' overall development, our expert resource persons will provide guidance and educational advice on relevant topics, ensuring participants gain valuable insights and practical knowledge," the CBSE said in an official release.

"We encourage all counsellors and teachers to take advantage of this opportunity to deepen their professional expertise under NEP 2020 guidelines," it added.

Schedule Of Online Sessions:

The CBPs will be held in online mode. Each session will last for 2 hours.

  • June 25: Career assessments in counselling
  • June 26: Importance of psychometric assessments by school counsellors
  • June 27: Identifying talent and goal setting at a young age

Key Points

  • Live session links will be accessible on the registration page 10 minutes before the start.
  • Participants, including principals, counsellors, and teachers, will have the opportunity to interact directly with mentors and resource persons, posing questions and exchanging insights.
  • It is recommended for all school teachers interested in gaining knowledge and skills in these topics to attend.
  • To receive a certificate of participation, attendees must complete the entire session and fill out an assessment and feedback form, which will be available on the registration page immediately following each session. Completion of this form on the same day is mandatory.

For more information and registration, visit the CBSE official website.

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