This Article is From May 06, 2017

CBSE NEET 2017 Exam: A Last Minute Checklist For Students

NEET UG 2017 is being conducted as an entrance examination for the entry into the undergraduate courses in medical colleges across the country.

CBSE NEET 2017 Exam: A Last Minute Checklist For Students
CBSE NEET 2017 Exam: A Last Minute Check List For Students
Education Result
New Delhi: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the CBSE NEET exam tomorrow. NEET UG is being conducted as an entrance examination for the entry into the undergraduate courses in medical colleges across the country. This year, 11.5 lakh candidates have registered for the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) 2017, for 56,000 medical and dental seats across the country. 7.5 lakh candidates attended NEET 2016 exam which was conducted in two phases. There are around 56,000 seats in medical and dental institutes across the country.

Finally the students are going to the exam halls for the national level medical entrance examination on May 7 and here we are preparing a check list for the exam.

NEET Information Bulletin

The candidates and their parents should read the Information Bulletin before the exam. Any infringement of the instructions will invite disciplinary action.

NEET Entry Slots

There are two entry slots. For slot "A" entry time is from 07:30 am to 08.30 am and for slot "B" entry time is from 08:30 am to 09.30 am. Reach the exam centre as per your allotted entry slot. The candidate will be frisked before commencement of the examination.

NEET Exam Centre

Students/parents should visit the centre a day before the examination to confirm the location, distance etc. of centre to avoid delay. The candidate should reach the centre on time. Parents should make is sure that, your ward should leave the home, well in advance, considering traffic, location of the centre and weather condition etc. to avoid any problem in reaching late to the centre. 

Materials to be brought on the day of NEET examination

Valid Admit Card
Passport Size Photograph 
Postcard size Photo affixed on proforma. 

You should affix the photograph in Admit Card as uploaded on your online application form. Students should note that, no arrangements will be made at the centres for keeping any article/item/mobile/purse/Key etc. of the candidates. Candidate will be provided with Blue/Black ball point pen at the examination centre to write particulars on the cover page of Test Booklet, OMR sheet and for darkening the circles of responses.

NEET 2017: Last Minute Revision Tips And Exam Strategy

NEET Dress Code

The candidates are instructed to follow the following dress code while appearing for NEET(UG):
(a) Light clothes with half sleeves not having big buttons, brooch/badge, flower etc. with Salwar / Trouser.
(b) Slippers, sandals with low heels and not the shoes.

Who needs Aadhaar/Govt ID 

In a latest notification CBSE has said that,those candidates who uploaded the wrong photograph/signature are directed to carry original Aadhar Card or any Government photo identity alongwith them for establishing their identity.

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