This Article is From Apr 12, 2019

Board Result In May, CBSE Releases Re-Evaluation, Marks Verification Schedule

CBSE board exam result will be released in May after which the board will begin marks verification, and re-evaluation process.

Board Result In May, CBSE Releases Re-Evaluation, Marks Verification Schedule
CBSE will begin application for compartment exam after result declaration in May
New Delhi:

While CBSE is yet to announce the result date for 12th and 10th board examinations held this year, the board has released the schedule for re-evaluation, application for verification of marks, and obtaining photocopy of answer sheet. Every year the board allows students the facility of apply for verification of marks, re-evaluation et al. The result, the board says, will be released in the month of May, earlier than last year.

As per the schedule released by CBSE, the link to apply for Verification of Marks will be available from the next day of declaration of class 10/class 12 result. Students will be given 5 days' time to apply for verification of marks. Students would have to submit Rs. 500 per subject for verification of marks.

In case a student wishes to obtain photocopy of their answer books, the link will be activated on the 17th day of declaration of result and students will be able to apply with fee up to 5:00 pm on the next day. Class 12 students will have to pay Rs. 700 per subject and class 10 students will have to pay Rs. 500 per subject.

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For re-evaluation, application link will be available on the 21st day of the declaration of result. The link will be available till 5:00 pm on the next day. For re-evaluation, students will have to pay Rs. 100 per question.

The application form for compartment exam will be available on the next day of result declaration. The fee for compartment exam is Rs. 300 per subject for Indian students and Rs. 2000 for students outside India. Last date to submit compartment form with normal fee is 6th June. Board will charge late fee of Rs. 1000 per candidate for students who submit compartment form between June 7 to June 12 and Rs. 5000 per candidate for students who submit compartment form from June 13 to June 15.

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