CBSE Syllabus 2021-22: Term 1 Exams In November-December; Exam Pattern; Revised Syllabus Here

As a first, the board will conduct exams in two terms for the 2021-22 batch of Class 10 and Class 12 students. While Term 1 will be held between November and December 2021, Term 2 will be conducted between March and April 2022.

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CBSE term 1 syllabus, exam pattern

With the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) set to conduct the Term 1 exams of the new exam pattern in November- December 2021, the board has released the revised syllabus, issued sample papers for the students of Class 10 and Class 12. As a first, the board will conduct exams in two terms for the 2021-22 batch of Class 10 and Class 12 students. While Term 1 will be held between November and December 2021, Term 2 will be conducted between March and April 2022.

The CBSE Term 1 examination in a flexible schedule will be held with a window period of 4 to 8 weeks for schools situated in different parts of the country and abroad, Term 2 will be held around March-April 2022 at the examination centres fixed by the Board.

CBSE Term 1 Exam Pattern, Revised Syllabus

Question papers in the term 1 exams, will have multiple-choice questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs and MCQs on assertion-reasoning type. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes and will cover 50 per cent of the rationalised syllabus.

Students can download the revised CBSE syllabus 2021-22. The CBSE Class 10, 12 revised syllabus contain the list of chapters that will be asked in the term exams.

CBSE Term-Wise Syllabus: Direct Link

CBSE has started the process for submission of list of candidates (LOC) for Class 10 and Class 12 board exam candidates. Schools can submit LOC of students for 2022 board exams, which will be held in two terms, through the e-Pariksha portal at