CBSE will conduct NET in 84 subjects at 90 selected NET Examination cities across the country.
New Delhi:
All those who have applied for the Cental Board of Secondary Education's (CBSE) UGC National Eligibility Test (NET), can download admit cards now. The NET test is scheduled to be conducted on January 22.
"On behalf of UGC, the Central Board of Secondary Education announced holding of the National Eligibility Test (NET) on 22nd January 2017 for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in Indian Universities and Colleges. The admit cards for the exam is online and the applicants can download them now', a circular said.
CBSE will conduct NET in 84 subjects at 90 selected NET Examination cities across the country.
The CBSE UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted in three sessions in which the applicants need to answer three papers. The first and second paper are for 100 marks each; the first paper has 60 questions of which 50 must be attempted and the second has 50 questions that are compulsory. The third paper is for 150 marks in which the examinee has to attempt all 75 questions.
Candidates who qualify for the award of the Junior Research Fellowship are eligible to pursue research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject and are also eligible to be Assistant Professors. Universities, institutions, IITs and other national organizations can select JRF awardees for whole time research work. A candidate's performance in all three NET papers will determine whether she or he will be eligible for both the JRF and for an Assistant Professorship. Candidates who qualify exclusively for the post of Assistant Professor will not be considered for award of JRF.
How to download the admit card:
"On behalf of UGC, the Central Board of Secondary Education announced holding of the National Eligibility Test (NET) on 22nd January 2017 for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in Indian Universities and Colleges. The admit cards for the exam is online and the applicants can download them now', a circular said.
CBSE will conduct NET in 84 subjects at 90 selected NET Examination cities across the country.
The CBSE UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted in three sessions in which the applicants need to answer three papers. The first and second paper are for 100 marks each; the first paper has 60 questions of which 50 must be attempted and the second has 50 questions that are compulsory. The third paper is for 150 marks in which the examinee has to attempt all 75 questions.
Candidates who qualify for the award of the Junior Research Fellowship are eligible to pursue research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject and are also eligible to be Assistant Professors. Universities, institutions, IITs and other national organizations can select JRF awardees for whole time research work. A candidate's performance in all three NET papers will determine whether she or he will be eligible for both the JRF and for an Assistant Professorship. Candidates who qualify exclusively for the post of Assistant Professor will not be considered for award of JRF.
How to download the admit card:
- Step 1: Open CBSE UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) website
- Step 2: Click on "Click here for login for admit card"
- Step 3: Enter Application number and password in the given space.
- Step 4: Download the admit card