This Article is From Jan 20, 2017

CBSE UGC NET JRF January 2017: A Last Minute Checklist For Candidates

CBSE UGC NET JRF January 2017: A Last Minute Checklist For Candidates
CBSE UGC NET JRF January 2017: A Last Minute Checklist For Candidates
New Delhi: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the UGC National Eligibility Test on January 22 to determine the eligibility for Asst. Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in Indian Universities and Colleges. CBSE will conduct University Grants Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET) examination in 84 subjects at 90 selected cities across India. Here, we are listing some important points for the candidates to follow:

Admit Card

You should make sure that you have downloaded the admit cards from the CBSE UGC NET website. If you have not downloaded the admit card, go to CBSE UGC NET 2017 official website right now and do that now. CBSE will not sent admit cards to the candidates by post, so do not wait for that. To know how to download: Click here

Know the examination pattern

The CBSE UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) will be conducted in 3 sessions in which the applicants need to answer three papers. The Paper I and Paper II are for 100 marks each; the first paper has 60 questions of which 50 must be attempted and the second has 50 questions that are compulsory. The Paper III is for 150 marks in which the candidate has to attempt all 75 questions. A candidate who does not appear in the Paper I will not be allowed to appear in Paper II and Paper III. In UGC NET, there are no negative marks for wrong answers.

Examination Day

Reach your examination center on time. You will only allowed to enter the center which is
mentioned in the admit card and the admit card must be the one issued by CBSE. All the examination halls will have wall clock, so that you do not need to carry any type of watch. 

How to attend the exam

Time management is important. Both Paper I and Paper II are carrying a time limit of 1 hour 15
minutes while Paper III time will 2 hours and 15 minutes. Make sure that you attend all the questions marking the right answers.

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