The Education Department, Chandigarh Administration on Tuesday said in a press release that it will announce the results of classes 9 and 11 on April 20. In wake of the extension of the lockdown period, the administration has preponed the summer vacation and re-scheduled it from April 15 to May 14.
"Now, since the lockdown has been further extended to 3rd May, 2020, and the summer vacation has been preponed and scheduled from 15th April to 14th May, the Education Department has decided to declare the result of Classes IX and XI. The result criteria shall be circulated to all the govt schools in a couple of days. Subsequently, the result would be declared on 20th April," the press release read.
The result will be displayed on the website of the respective schools.
It would also be conveyed to students through text messages and WhatsApp messages.
"The parents or students need not come to school for the same. They can call on the helpline numbers already circulated," the release further stated.
Subsequently, the students can start their study schedule from the online teaching, an initiative of the Education Department which is already functional.
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