This Article is From Jan 03, 2024

Check Tentative Schedule For Mains Exam For Patents and Design

The NTA conducted the Preliminary Exam (Phase 1) for the Post of Examiner of Patents and Designs on December 21, 2023.

Check Tentative Schedule For Mains Exam For Patents and Design
New Delhi:

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the Mains exam for the post of Examiner of Patents and Designs on January 25, 2024. The exam will be held in two shifts. The first shift will be conducted for Paper 1 in Computer based test while the second shift will be conducted in Descriptive format in offline mode for Paper 2.  The final evaluation will be conducted through interview. 

The agency has released a tentative schedule of the exam.

The Paper 1 will  be held for a total of 100 marks, The marks distribution is as follows- General Knowledge and Current Affairs (20 Marks), General Aptitude (20 Marks), Elementary mathematics (20 Marks), English language proficiency (20 Marks), and knowledge related to intellectual property rights (IPRs) (20 Marks).

The Paper 2 will be held for a total of 300 marks for Technical/scientific discipline of the vacancy applied for.

The dates regarding the release of the city intimation slip and admit card will be announced later.
The NTA conducted the Preliminary Exam (Phase 1) for the Post of Examiner of Patents and Designs against 553 vacancies under DR quota in the Patent Office at 260 Centres located in 103 cities throughout the country on December 21, 2023. Around 89,657 candidates appeared in the exam. 
The result for the Preliminary exam will be declared soon on the website. The candidates who qualify for the preliminary exam will be eligible to appear for the Mains Examination (Paper I and Paper II)