
Chhattisgarh's Free Exam Policy Backfires As Students Skip Tests

The Fisheries Inspector exam, held on March 23, witnessed an abysmal 9% turnout. Out of 21,000 applicants, only 1,900 appeared, leaving officials baffled.

Chhattisgarh's Free Exam Policy Backfires As Students Skip Tests
Experts suggest that the lack of financial commitment has made students indifferent to these exams.
Education Result

In a country where the word "free" has become a political mantra, education has now joined the race. Chhattisgarh Vyapam scrapped examination fees to make tests more accessible, but the move has backfired. A shocking number of students are filling out forms but not appearing for the exams, raising questions about the value of free services.

The current era of freebies in India has extended beyond electricity, water, and ration to education. However, while Chhattisgarh Vyapam's decision to waive exam fees led to a surge in applications, attendance at exam centers tells a different story. The Fisheries Inspector exam, held on March 23, witnessed an abysmal 9% turnout. Out of 21,000 applicants, only 1,900 appeared, leaving officials baffled.

"The exam pattern was not tough," says Suraj Namdev, a candidate. "People register because it's free but don't prepare seriously, so they don't show up."

This trend isn't limited to one exam. Across multiple competitive exams in the state, turnout remains disappointing:

  • Pre-BA BEd: 37,037 applicants, 7,620 appeared
  • PET: 22,815 applicants, 12,070 appeared
  • Pre-MCA: 7,295 applicants, 1,220 appeared
  • BSc Nursing: 52,628 applicants, 27,883 appeared
  • MSc Nursing: 7,189 applicants, 1,578 appeared

Kedar Patel, Joint Exam Controller, acknowledges the trend but remains uncertain about the reasons behind it. "21,000 people applied for the Fisheries Inspector exam, but only 1,900 appeared, which is just 9 percent. We cannot say why candidates are not showing up, but generally, 50 to 55 percent of applicants appear in other Vyapam exams."

Experts suggest that the lack of financial commitment has made students indifferent to these exams. Rajiv Gupta, an educationist, proposes a refundable fee model, similar to railway reservations. "Charging a nominal fee and refunding it to those who appear will ensure that only serious candidates apply," he argues.

Meanwhile, political voices are also weighing in. BJP spokesperson Gaurishankar Shrivas blames the previous government, stating that this policy has led to inefficiency. "Our government will soon take a decision in the interest of all," he assures.

Vyapam's free exam policy aimed to democratise education, but instead, it has resulted in a flood of insincere applicants. With lakhs of applications but poor attendance, the government now faces a tough decision: continue with free exams or introduce measures to ensure only committed candidates apply.