Class 10, 12 board exams in Mizoram will begin on February 17 and February 18, respectively.
New Delhi:
Class 10, 12 board exams in Mizoram will begin on February 17 and February 18, respectively. The Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) would conduct the exams for all the schools affiliated to the Board.
Class 10 board exams would be held from February 17 to March 3, and class 12 board exams would be held from February 18 to March 18.
The practical exams for class 12 students will be held before the theory exams, on February 10 and February 11.
The practical exams for class 10 students will begin, the next day after the theory exam concludes, from March 4 to March 11.
Mizoram Class 12 (HSSLC) Exam Time Table
- February 18: English
- February 21: Modern Indian Language (Mizo/ Hindi/ Bengali/ Nepali)
- February 25: Education/ Psychology/ Physics / Accountancy
- February 28: Political Science/Public Administration Business Studies/Biology
- March 4: Mathematics/ Business Mathematics/ History
- March 9: Economics/ Chemistry
- March 12: Geography/ Geology
- March 16: Sociology
- March 18: Computer Science/ Home Science
Mizoram Class 10 (HSLC) Exam Time Table
- February 17: English
- February 19: Modern Indian Language (Mizo/ Alternative English/ Hindi/ Nepali/ Bengali/ Manipuri)
- February 24: Mathematics
- February 27: Social Science
- March 2: Science
- March 3: Home Science/ IIT (theory)/ Civics & Economics/ Commercial Studies
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