CLAT 2018 admit card will be made available at the official website: www.clat.ac.in.
CLAT 2018 Admit Card: The CLAT 2018 Admit Card or Hall ticket can be downloaded by the candidates by logging into their login account from April 20, 2018 on the official website. Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2018 is being organized by the National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) Kochi, Kerala this year. CLAT, is an all India common entrance examination, conducted on rotational basis by 19 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admissions to their UG and PG degree programmes.
CLAT 2018 admit cards will be made available at the official website: www.clat.ac.in.
CLAT is conducted as per a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the convenience of the students seeking admission to various National Law Universities in the country.
An entrance test is conducted to provide a list of candidates on the basis of 'merit-cum- preference' to each University for admission to their Under-Graduate (UG)/Post-Graduate (PG) programmes, as per the eligibility, reservation and other criteria laid down under the respective statutes of the participating Universities.
The candidates may take a print-out of the CLAT 2018 Admit Card or Hall Ticket and carry the same to the Examination Hall. The candidates shall read the instructions on the Admit Card carefully and carry all the requisite documents to the Examination Hall.
CLAT 2018 entrance examination for Undergraduate candidates will carry questions from English including comprehension (40 marks), General Knowledge and Current Affairs (50 marks), Elementary Mathematics (20 marks), Legal Aptitude (50 marks) and Logical Reasoning (40 marks) areas.
The questions will be of 200 marks and the examination' duration will be 2 hours. The test will carry 200 multiple-choice questions of one mark each.
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CLAT 2018 admit cards will be made available at the official website: www.clat.ac.in.
CLAT is conducted as per a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the convenience of the students seeking admission to various National Law Universities in the country.
An entrance test is conducted to provide a list of candidates on the basis of 'merit-cum- preference' to each University for admission to their Under-Graduate (UG)/Post-Graduate (PG) programmes, as per the eligibility, reservation and other criteria laid down under the respective statutes of the participating Universities.
The candidates may take a print-out of the CLAT 2018 Admit Card or Hall Ticket and carry the same to the Examination Hall. The candidates shall read the instructions on the Admit Card carefully and carry all the requisite documents to the Examination Hall.
CLAT 2018 entrance examination for Undergraduate candidates will carry questions from English including comprehension (40 marks), General Knowledge and Current Affairs (50 marks), Elementary Mathematics (20 marks), Legal Aptitude (50 marks) and Logical Reasoning (40 marks) areas.
The questions will be of 200 marks and the examination' duration will be 2 hours. The test will carry 200 multiple-choice questions of one mark each.
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