CS Result 2019: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) will release the result for CS Professional Programme (Old and New Syllabus) and Executive Programme (Old and New Syllabus) Examinations held in June tomorrow. The result for the professional programme will be released at 11:00 am, the result for the Executive programme will be released at 2:00 pm.
The CS Professional result and CS Executive result will be released on the Institute's official website, www.icsi.edu. Apart from the qualifying status, the individual candidate's break up of marks will also be released. The institute will also release the list of top 25 students.
As per the notice released by the Institute, the marks statement for CS Executive programme will be released on the Institute's website only.
"Formal e-Result-cum-Marks Statement of Executive Programme (Old and New Syllabus) examination will be uploaded on the website of Institute www.icsi.edu immediately after declaration of result for downloading by candidates for their reference, use and records. No physical copy of the Result-cum-Marks Statement will be issued."
The mark statement for CS Professional programme will, however, be sent via post.
"The Result-cum-Marks Statement for Professional Programme (Old and New Syllabus) Examination will be dispatched to the candidates at their registered address immediately after declaration of the result. In case the physical copy of Result cum-Marks Statement is not received by any candidate within 30 days of declaration of result, such candidates may contact the Institute at : exam@icsi.edu along with his/her particulars."
ICSI had released the CS Foundation result on July 25. In the CS Foundation exam, the top spots were clinched by girls. Sanghavi Khushi Devendrakumar and Yogita Daswani jointly secured the first spot. Sanskruti Yogeshrao Saraf was the second topper. The third spot was shared by Shivani Kumari, Anushka Jitendra Bhoi and Laveena Marcel Mascarenhas. A total of 387 candidates were placed in top 25 spots.
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