CSIR UGC NET 2024 Result: Steps To Download Scorecard
- Visit the official website, csirnet.nta.ac.in
- On the homepage, select the link titled "Joint CSIR UGC-NET Result 2024"
- Enter the required login details, such as your application number and date of birth
- Submit the details, and your result will appear on the screen
- Download the scorecard and save it for future reference
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates belonging to the General, EWS, and OBC categories are required to secure at least 33% in the CSIR UGC NET exam held in July 2024. Candidates from the SC, ST, and PwD categories must achieve at least 25%.
Exam Pattern
The exam covers five subjects: Chemical Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean, and Planetary Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences. Detailed information on course codes, eligibility criteria, question paper structure, fees, and more can be found in the information bulletin available on the exam website.
The Joint CSIR UGC NET exam is conducted to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), Assistant Professorship, and admission to PhD programs in Indian universities and colleges. The National Testing Agency (NTA) administers the Joint CSIR-UGC NET exam on behalf of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). This exam is held in December and June in a Computer-Based Test (CBT) format.