CTET 2019: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will be conducting the Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET) on July 7, 2019. With the examination scheduled only two and a half weeks away, CBSE is yet to announce the admit card release date. CTET 2019 admit card will be released on the official website for CTET. The CTET examination will be conducted at 97 different exam cities spread across India.
After the CTET admit card is released, candidates are advised to cross-check the details on the admit card with confirmation page they received after submitting the CTET application form.
CTET 2019 examination will be conducted for two papers. Paper I is for Primary stage teachers and paper II is for Upper Primary stage teachers.
CTET Admit Card 2019 Released. Direct Download Links Here
Paper I will be of two hours' duration and will have 150 multiple-choice questions. There will be 5 sections - Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. Each section will have 30 questions carrying 30 marks.
Paper II will be of two hours' duration and will have 150 multiple-choice questions. There will be 5 sections - Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics and Science, and Social Studies/Social Science. The first three sections will have 30 questions each and the last two sections will have 60 questions each. Each question will have 1 mark each.
In order to pass in TET, candidates should score 60 per cent marks in CTET exam.
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