The Delhi government on Friday approved proposals at a meeting of the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) that will facilitate expansion of educational institutions in the national capital. The committee approved the Directorate of Training & Technical Education's (DTTE) proposal for the construction of Smart classrooms in Netaji Subhas University of Technology (NSUT) Campus in Dwarka.
The project is estimated to cost around Rs 26.79 crore.
The project was approved as the name of Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT) was changed to Netaji Subhas University of Technology (NSUT) in 2018, leading to an increase in the number of students in the campus. The building will now be able to accommodate an additional 1500 students.
Accordingly, a consultant has been appointed to prepare detailed drawings of the classrooms. Another project put forth by DTTE received a nod by EFC, which involves the construction of six building in NSIT Campus in Dwarka, which is estimated to cost Rs. 202.12 crores.
DTTE contented that the present infrastructure is planned for 2650 students, while the total strength is 3500, therefore, to cater to the increased student strength at the campus, infrastructure is required
For this, approval of Delhi Urban Art Commission (DUAC) has also been received, while other approvals such as Fire, Environment, forest clearance are being pursued.
Family Welfare Department (FWD) proposal for the construction of G+22+ double basement building at Lok Nayak ,.Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital, estimating Rs 533.91 crore was also cleared in the EFC meeting. The building will be used as Medicine, Maternity and Advanced Paediatric Centre.
At present, the total number of beds in the hospital is 2550 and another 1 570 beds are proposed to be added.
Statutory clearances from DUAC, Fire Department and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for the project has been obtained, while environment clearance is under process.