This Article is From Jan 06, 2017

Delhi Nursery Admissions: How To Apply For EWS/DG Category?

Delhi Nursery Admissions: How To Apply For EWS/DG Category?
Delhi Nursery Admissions process started on January 2
New Delhi: The whole Delhi Nursery admission process is mired in confusion and chaos, in which the most affected, are the parents and children who are eligible to apply for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS)/ Disadvantaged Group (DG) category. Social networking sites and discussion forums are seeing plenty of queries and questions from the parents belonging to EWS/DG regarding the admission procedure.

While the private schools are waiting for the government guideline to come for the schools located at Delhi Development Authority land, parents belonging to EWS/DG category are clueless and some are even confused when they are told that schools don't give the application forms. 

Here, we are looking at the whole process:


Annual income of parents who are seeking admission under the EWS category must be less than Rs 1 lakh. There is a reservation of 25 percentages for this category and those who gets admission need not to pay the fees. The schools are yet to disclose how many seats are vacant in this category in respective schools. The admission to this category will start after the admission to general category, suggests reports.

Online Application

According the reports, the admission process to EWS/DG is centralised and online. That means 
the parents need to apply online in a centralised form and they will have to go to a certain school after they are chosen in a draw of lots. The parents will be notified about the results via SMS.

Where to apply

There should be a link in Directorate of Education, Government of Delhi website and the parents should enter all the details there. The government is planning to help the parents who are not familiar with the online process with setting up assistance booth in various colonies.


The parents who are applying for this category must produce Economically Weaker Section (EWS) certificates and for those who are applying for DG category, they need to produce caste certificate or medical certificate (if disable) or documentary evidence (for orphan and transgender). The school shall not ask for income certificate from those EWS category parents who submit copy of BPL/AAY/Food Security Card issued by Food and Civil Supply Department.

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