The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has invited research proposal for the 'Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation' (SATYAM) programme. SATYAM was conceptualized by DST and launched under its Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI). Research proposal is invited for the year 2018-19 from scientists/academicians having prior research experience in scientific aspects of 'Yoga & Meditation'.
Eligibility Criteria
Scientists/academicians with research background in 'Yoga and Meditation' and having regular position are invited to participate in this initiative.
Individuals who practice and are actively involved in yoga and meditation practices can also apply in collaboration with academic and research institutes of repute.
Project Duration
The project is tenable for a maximum period of three years.
Proposal Submission
Project proposal in prescribed format should be submitted at online portal of DST i.e. e-PMS (onlinedst.gov.in). Principal Investigators have to register themselves at e-PMS and then proposal can be uploaded in the given format which is available on e-PMS under KIRAN Division and at DST website. Two hardcopies of submitted research proposal should also be sent to Dr Vandana Singh, Scientist-E, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016, by Speed Post. The envelope should be superscribed with "SATYAM".
Last date to submit proposal is November 30, 2018. Project proposal format is available on the DST website.
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