This Article is From Jun 29, 2018

+3 Admission, Odisha: Online Registration Over; Merit List In July First Week

As per the data shared by the Department of Higher Education (DHE), Odisha to regional dailies, a total of 272592 students have applied for +3 admission. 979 degree colleges are there in the State.

+3 Admission, Odisha: Online Registration Over; Merit List In July First Week
DHE Odisha: +3 Admission First Merit List In July First Week
Education Result
New Delhi:

Online registration for +3 admission in Odisha is over. The last date for submission of Common Application Form (CAF) was June 27, 2018. As per reports, the first merit list will be announced on July 3, 2018. The enrollment process will begin thereafter. Likewise for +2 courses, the admission process will be held between July 4 and July 6, 2018. The first merit list for +2 admission was supposed to be released on June 23, 2018.

As per the data shared by the Department of Higher Education (DHE), Odisha to regional dailies, a total of 272592 students have applied for +3 admission. 979 degree colleges are there in the State.

As of now, the official websites and are not responding.

Last year, in the first allotment list of +3 degree admission, 66.9% candidates were selected out of the total number of applicants. A total of 234893 candidates had applied for the degree admission out of which 16089 and 95046 candidates were selected in Commerce and Arts stream. 4 transgender candidates had also made it to the first allotment list.

Intimation letter to the selected applicants were sent through five modes (i) SMS (if mobile number is provided in CAF) (ii) Email (if e-mail ID is provided in CAF) (iii) Website (iv) College Notice Board (Applied College & Selected College) (v) Toll Free Number (155335 OR 1800-345-6770).

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