This Article is From Jul 27, 2017

Delhi University Releases Seventh Cut Off For UG Courses; Check Complete List

Delhi University has released the seventh cut off for admission to under graduate courses offered at its constituent colleges. The seventh cut off has been released for a limited number of courses and seats.

Delhi University Releases Seventh Cut Off For UG Courses; Check Complete List
Delhi University Releases Seventh Cut Off; Check Complete List
New Delhi: Delhi University has released the seventh cut off for admission to under graduate courses offered at its constituent colleges. The seventh cut off has been released for a limited number of courses and seats. The seventh admission drive is mainly to fill seats which have remained vacant so far for the reserved categories. Admission to a majority of colleges for general candidates has closed. In certain colleges and courses, admission will be provided in case of cancellation. For such courses, students willing to take admission will have to contact the corresponding college. 

At Hindu college, admission has closed for a majority of courses. However, a few seats are up for grabs in BA Hindi (Honours) with 90% cut off for general students. BA History (Honours) also has some seats vacant with 96.25% cut off. 

IP College for Women has some seats left in BA Economics (Honours) with 96%  set as cut off marks. B.Sc. Computer Science (Honours) is available at this college with 93% cut off. 

Students seeking admission in BA English (Honours) can head over to Janki Devi Memorial College where the cut off is 89%. Seats are also available for this course at College of Vocational Studies and at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya college with cut off set at 90%. At Deshbandhu College, BA English is available with cut off at 86%. 

Students wishing to study B.Com. can head to Deshbandhu college where the cut off for Honours program is 89.5%. Aditi Mahavidyalaya is offering B.Com. at 83.5% and B.Com. (Honours) at 84.5%.  Seats for B.Com. course are also available at ARSD, College of Vocational Studies, and Daulat Ram college. 

Check complete cut off list below: