A student body claimed students of the Delhi University's School of Open Learning faced chaos at all study centres on Sunday after the BA programme classes were cancelled without prior information.
However, an SOL official said the classes were not scheduled for this Sunday.
The Krantikari Yuva Sangathan (KYS) alleged the classes of BA (Programme) students were cancelled on Sunday at all centres without the SOL administration informing students.
"Thousands of first year students of BA (Prog.) had reached their centres in the morning, as early as 8 am, but were forced to return after being told that classes for Sunday stood cancelled. Thousands and thousands of students who reached their centres were left clueless as to where to take classes after they were abruptly cancelled," the body alleged.
The classes have been cancelled due to "unpreparedness of SOL administration in implementing Choice Based Credit System curriculum from this year," it said.
At Gargi College, women students gheraoed the entrance gate and blocked the road against cancellation of classes, it said.
KYS said it will organise a protest demonstration at SOL Building in North Campus on Monday.
C S Dubey, director of SOL, said, "BA programme classes were not scheduled for this Sunday. The classes of B.Com were scheduled for this Sunday."
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)