The Tamil Nadu government has launched a significant recruitment programme offering Indian nurses an exceptional opportunity to advance their careers in Germany. This initiative aims to address the growing demand for skilled nursing professionals in Germany's healthcare sector, providing valuable international experience and career advancement prospects.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for this opportunity, candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Possess a B1 or B2 level of German language proficiency
- Be under the age of 38
- Have at least six months of work experience
- Hold a diploma or bachelor's degree in nursing
Salary and Benefits
Selected candidates will receive a starting salary of approximately Rs 2 lakh per month. In addition to the financial incentives, candidates will gain exposure to Germany's advanced healthcare system, which promises valuable professional growth and career development opportunities.
Application Process
Eligible candidates are required to submit their application along with the following documents:
- Educational qualifications
- Work experience certificates
- Passport photocopy
- Recent passport-sized photograph on a white background
Applications must be sent via email to during the first week of the month. Late applications will not be considered.
For more details, candidates can visit the official Tamil Nadu government website or reach out to the helpline numbers 044-22505886 or 63791 79200.