Download GATE 2017 score cards now
New Delhi:
After the declaration of results, finally GATE 2017 score cards download is enabled. Qualified candidates can now download the same at the official portal of GATE at gate.iitr.ernet.in. Score cards will be available till 5 May 2017. IIT Roorkee had declared GATE 2017 results on 26 March 2017 (a day ahead of the scheduled date). GATE 2017 results were declared at appsgate.iitr.ac.in and candidates have been waiting eagerly for the score card. The score card download has now been enabled at the official web portal and candidate can access it with GATE 2017 login. With the declaration of the GATE 2017 score card candidates can now make use of the same for various admission intake and job opportunities.
The official notification mentions that, "Some Government of India Organizations have expressed their interest to utilize GATE 2017 scores for their recruitment purpose. The Organizations who intend to utilize GATE 2017 scores shall make separate advertisement for this purpose in Newspapers and shall also contact the Organizing Institute of GATE 2017, IIT Roorkee for this purpose." Candidates should also keep an eye on Employment News/ National Newspaper for Cabinet Secretariat recruitment.
Regarding GATE 2017 score card, here are certain important things candidates should pay attention to
GATE is one of the most important tests for engineering and science aptitude and facilitates admissions for higher education (MTech and PhD) in IITs, IISc and various other Institutes including universities and laboratories across the country.
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The official notification mentions that, "Some Government of India Organizations have expressed their interest to utilize GATE 2017 scores for their recruitment purpose. The Organizations who intend to utilize GATE 2017 scores shall make separate advertisement for this purpose in Newspapers and shall also contact the Organizing Institute of GATE 2017, IIT Roorkee for this purpose." Candidates should also keep an eye on Employment News/ National Newspaper for Cabinet Secretariat recruitment.
Regarding GATE 2017 score card, here are certain important things candidates should pay attention to
GATE is one of the most important tests for engineering and science aptitude and facilitates admissions for higher education (MTech and PhD) in IITs, IISc and various other Institutes including universities and laboratories across the country.
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