GATE 2019: Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2019 exam begins today. The exam will be conducted over four days between February 2 and February 10, 2019. This year GATE exam is being conducted by IIT Madras. The GATE exam will be conducted in two shifts on each allotted date. GATE is an eligibility exam for admission to M.Tech. and PhD programmes. GATE scores are also used by PSUs for recruitment purposes.
Candidates should check the instructions mentioned on their admit cards and bide by exam day rules to ensure a smooth experience.
Candidates should not carry any rough paper to the exam centre as they would be provided a scribble pad to do any rough work during the exam. Similarly, candidates would be provided with a virtual calculator and do not need to bring a calculator along.
Candidates should not carry any item other than their admit card, identity proof and a pen. A candidate found in possession of any other item will be disqualified from the exam.
Candidates should take note that they should take a print our of their admit card and bring the same to the exam venue. SOFT COPY of the admit card will not be considered valid.
GATE 2019 result will be announced on March 16, 2019. GATE 2019 score will be valid for 3 years, however PSUs generally take into account only the recent GATE score.
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