Online registration for GATE 2019 will conclude today (September 21). Hereafter the candidates who wish to register for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering should submit their application along with increased fee charges. For late submission, applicants will be allowed extended period, between September 22, 2018 (Saturday) and October 1, 2018 (Monday). IIT Madras will conduct the exam on February 2, 3, 9 and 10, 2019 in forenoon and afternoon session. GATE 2019 result will be declared on March 16.

GATE 2019 Exam Fee Details: Extended Period- September 22 to October 1
For GATE 2019, the direct link is gate.iitm.ac.in. For application submission, candidates can directly logon to GOAPS (GATE Online Application Processing System) appsgate.iitm.ac.in which should also be referred for paying the application fee, checking the status of the application form, downloading the GATE admit card, score card and answer keys.
In a first, Statistics has been added to the GATE subject list this year and questions will be from Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability, Stochastic Processes, Inference, Regression Analysis, Multivariate Analysis and Design of experiments. The exam will be held for 24 subjects in total.
The exam is conducted for granting admission to M.Tech. and PhD programs offered at IITs and IISc. Apart from its function as the eligibility criteria for higher education, GATE scores are also used by several PSUs for recruitment purpose. GATE 2019: List Of PSUs Accepting GATE Score
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