This Article is From Apr 07, 2017

Government Proposes NCERT Bill, 2017; NCERT To Be Declared Institution Of National Importance

Government Proposes NCERT Bill, 2017; NCERT To Be Declared Institution Of National Importance
Central Government Proposes NCERT Bill, 2017
Education Result
New Delhi: The Central government has proposed National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Bill, 2017. The draft bill proposes to declare NCERT along with  its constituent institutes as an Institution of National Importance (INI). The government has put up a notice on MHRD official website for information of common public and notifies that the draft bill will be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of thirty days from the date of notification on the website. The aim behind declaring NCERT and Institution of National Importance is to promote quality in research and training in the field of education.

As per the dictates of the NCERT Bill, 2017, the main objects of the council will be:
  • to assist and advise the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, in the formulation and implementation of its policies and programmes in the field of education, particularly school education and teacher education
  • to advise and support the State Governments and other educational organisations and institutions on matters relating to school education
  • to undertake, promote and coordinate research and development in all branches of education
  • to develop and organise courses and award degrees, diplomas, certificates in the fields of teacher education and school education
  • to provide extension services to institutions engaged in educational research, teacher education and school education
  • to establish linkages and network with national and international institutions in the field of education
  • to act as a clearing-house for ideas and information on all matters relating to school education 
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