Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Board (GSHSEB) will declare the Class 10 or SSC results on May 21, 2019 at 8am. Candidates may check the official website gseb.org for their results. The Class 10 board examinations were conducted from March 7 to March 19. Around 7.5 lac students appeared for the examination. The Board has ,so far, released Class 12 results for science stream. Pass percentage for regular students in class 12 Science stream was 71.90 per cent. The pass percent recorded for 2019 among girls was better than boys.
Gujarat Class 10 Results 2019: How To Download
Step 1: Open the official website of Gujarat Board gseb.org
Step 2: Look for a link on the homepage that reads "GSHSEB SSC Result 2019".
Step 3: Fill in your registration number, roll number and date of birth on the login page.
Step 4: Click on submit. Your result will appear on the screen.
Candidates may download their results for future reference.
In 2018, GSEB SSC result was announced on May 28. The pass percentage in 2018 was 67.50 per cent; this was lower than the pass percentage recorded in 2017, which was 68.24 per cent.
In 2018, the state topper Savani Hil Ishwarbhai had scored 594 out of 600. Second topper was Ladani Krishi Himanshukumar with589 marks and third topper was Hingrajiya Priyalkumar Jitubhai who scored 586 marks.
The pass per cent recorded among girls was better than boys, a trend followed from previous years. In 2018, pass percentage for boys was 63.73% and for girls, it was 72.69%.
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