Eligible and interested candidates can apply for these teaching positions starting August 12, 2024, by visiting HSSC's official website at hssc.gov.in. The online application can be submitted until August 21, with the last day for fee payment being August 23.
The official notification reads: "Applications must be submitted online only. The hard copy of the application form, along with all uploaded documents, must be brought when called upon by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Documents that have not been uploaded shall not be entertained. However, HSSC may request additional documents in support of the already uploaded documents if necessary."
Haryana Primary Teachers Recruitment 2024: Age Limit
Candidates must be between 18 and 42 years of age to be eligible for the vacancies.
Haryana Primary Teachers Recruitment 2024: Documents to be Uploaded
- Scanned copy of essential academic qualifications and matriculation certificate showing date of birth and other relevant details
- Scanned copy of SC/BCA/BCB/ESM/PwD (Person with Disabilities) certificate, if applicable
- Scanned photograph
- Scanned signature of the candidate
- Scanned copy of all documents showing higher qualifications, experience, etc.
- EWS certificate as per Annexure-IV
- Discharge certificate/book, if discharged from the Armed Forces (for ESM)
- Eligibility certificate for family members of ESM
- Eligibility certificate and disability certificate for dependents of disabled ESM
- Certificate for children/grandchildren of freedom fighters
- Experience certificate for age relaxation as per Annexure-III