After the feedback, the policy will be reviewed, revised and finalised.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is planning to conduct two board exams for Class 10 from 2026 academic year. The board has approved draft norms for conducting Class-10 board exams twice a year from 2026. The draft norms will now be put in the public domain and the stakeholders can submit their feedback till March 9 following which the policy will be finalised.
Highlights of the proposed scheme
1. Class 10 and Class 12 examinations will begin on the first Tuesday after 15 February.
2. It is expected that in Class 10, in 2026, about 26.60 Lakh students and in Class 12, about 20 Lakh students will appear in the examinations.
3. Both the examinations will be conducted on the full current syllabus and the text-books.
4. Except Science, Maths, Social Science, Hindi, English, rest of the subjects are grouped in the following manner:-
(i) A Regional and Foreign languages in one group
(ii) Rest of the subjects in one group
5. Examination of Science, Maths, Social Science, Hindi and English will be conducted on a fixed day as done currently.
6. Examination of Regional and Foreign Languages will be done in one go on a single day.
7. In this scheme, the facilities extended to CWSN candidates will be taken care as taken care of now.
8. For the Sport's students, they have to appear in any of the two Board Examinations of Class 10 and no separate examination will be conducted for them.
9. The examination centres will be fixed for the 1st examination, and for the 2nd examination too, the same centres shall be allotted.
10. LOC will be completed by September end of the previous year from the year of conduct of examination.
11. After submission of LOC, no change in the subjects offered will be allowed. This will be considered only in the second examination.
12. Filling of LOC for the first examination will be compulsory. Option for both examinations will be obtained in the LOC when filling for the first examination. No new name will be added to the LOC of the second examination.
For second examinations, LOC will be made live immediately after the result declaration only for opting out of second examinations.
13. All schedules will be fixed and there will not be any deviation in the schedule.
14. Examination fee will be enhanced and collected for both examinations at the time of filling of LOC for the first time which would be non-refundable if once paid.
15. First/ Second examinations will also act as Supplementary examinations.
16. No special examination will be conducted in any circumstances.
17. Facilities of verification, Photocopy and revaluation extended after the result declaration to the students will be reviewed and framed in accordance with the availability of time.
Schools will be assessed for becoming an examination centre and issued a letter/certificate in this regard to ensure the quality of examination centres.
18. No self-centre will be fixed. If there is no school near to a sponsoring school and as per policy if the examination centre is at a distance, needful arrangements will be made by the sponsoring school.
19. Only on National Gazetted Holidays, examinations will not be conducted. Restricted holidays and state holidays, the schedule of examinations will be fixed and accordingly examinations will be conducted
20. Candidates as per defined eligibility will be allowed to appear in the 1st examinations.
21. No passing document will be issued after the result of 1st examinations.
22. Performance of 1st examination will be made available in DigiLocker. This could be used for admission to class 11 if the student does not wish to appear in 2nd examination.
23. All the candidates will be issued passing documents after the second examination result.
24. Practical/ Internal assessment will be done only once.
25. Mark Sheet cum Passing Certificate will have marks secured in the first examination, the second examination, marks secured in Practical/Internal assessment and Grades. Also, better of the two marks will also be mention.
26. Students not qualified in the 1st examination could be allowed admission in Class 11 and based on the result of the 2nd examination, their admission be finalised.
27. A merit certificate will be issued after 2nd examination.
28. Students qualifying all 5 subjects will be declared as pass.
29. Students who failed to pass from 1 to 5 subjects in 1st examination will be placed under the “Improvement Category” and will be allowed to appear in 2nd examination.
30. The syllabus for any examination will be the syllabus of the year of examination. Additional Subjects will not be permitted. This means that after passing class 10, students will not be allowed in stand-alone subjects.
31. If a student is declared pass by replacing the 6th/7th subject will be eligible for improvement in the failed subject only for the next two examinations from their 1st examinations.
32. After submission of LOC, no subject will be changed. If any student wishes to change the subject after submission of LOC, this will only be allowed in 2nd examination. Such students can opt not to appear in that subject during the 1st examination. If they appear in the 1st examination, they will not be permitted to change the subject in 2nd examination.
33. Students appeared only in the 2nd examination, no further examination will be conducted. Such students will be allowed to appear in the 1st examination of the subsequent year, but the syllabus shall be the syllabus applicable for the subsequent year.
After the feedback, the policy will be reviewed, revised and finalised.
34. Examination-Bye-Laws will be amended suitably.