Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (HPBOSE) has begun evaluation from home for matric and +2 answer copies. Instead of setting up evaluation centres, the board is setting up Answer sheet distribution and collection centre. The Board has also released detailed instructions for teachers to follow for evaluation process.
40 copies each per day for Matric Art (A) and Home Science paper and 30 copies each per day for rest of the matric and +2 papers will be handed over to the teachers for evaluation.
The Board has already published instructions regarding paper evaluation and grace marks issued by paper setter.
Regarding grace marks, the Himachal Board released notice about providing grace marks to plus two students in Biology, Business Study, Accountancy, and Chemistry.
In Biology, students who attempted Series B question paper will get one grace mark and those who attempted Series C will get three grace marks.
In Business Study paper, students who attempted Series B question paper will get four grace marks. In Accountancy, students who attempted Series C question paper will get two grace marks.
Finally, in Chemistry, students who attempted Series A question paper will get three grace marks and those who attempted Series B will get five grace marks and one mark extra will be awarded to students who have attempted the "or" part of question number 27.
The grace mark is to be awarded to all students whether they have attempted or not attempted the question, subject to condition that total of marks of any candidate should not exceed more than 60 marks in any condition.
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