ICAI CA Intermediate Result 2018: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or ICAI has released the results of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination (Old Course and New Course) held in May 2018 today. ICAI has also published the all India merit list upto the 50th rank on the official results websites. ICAI IPCC results or ICAI CA Intermediate result can be accessed from the websites; icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in. Apart from the websites, the ICAR CA Intermediate or IPCC results for the May 2018 exams can also be accessed using the SMS facility and email facility given by ICAI.
Before this, ICAI had recently released the result for CA Final, CA Foundation, and CPT exam which was conducted in May/June 2018. It also released the the merit for CA Foundation and CA Final (Both Old and New course) then.
ICAI CA Intermediate Result: How to check

ICAI CA Intermediate Result Announced @ Icaiexam.icai.org; Check Now
Follow the steps given here to check your ICAI CA Intermediate results:
Step I : Go to official website: icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in
Step II : Click on the result link given on the homepage.
Step III: In the new window, select your respective course.
Step IV : Enter the required details.
Step five: Submit and view your result.
Students can access the merit list as well by following the steps given above.
It may be noted that for accessing the ICAI CA Intermediate result at the above mentioned websites the candidate shall have to enter his registration no. or PIN no. along with his roll number.
How to register to get result on email
Students can register on http://icaiexam.icai.org to get ICAI CA Intermediate result on primary email id, by following below mentioned steps:
1. Login on the ICAI Exam website i.e. http://icaiexam.icai.org, using your user id and password
2. Click on link "email registration"
3. We recommend that before applying for result on email request, you verify the email id in your login, if not verified
Further to this, facilities have been made for candidates of ICAI Intermediate (Old Course and New Course) Examination held in May, 2018 desirous of knowing their results with marks on SMS. The service will be available through India Times.
For getting results through SMS candidates should type:
Intermediate(IPC) Examination (Old Course)
CAIPCOLD (space) XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate(IPC) Examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAIPCOLD 000128
Intermediate Examination (New Course)
CAIPCNEW (space)XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate Examination roll number of the candidate) , e.g. CAIPCNEW 000128 and send the message to: 58888 - for all mobile services - India Times.
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