The ICAR Admit Card for AIEEA entrance exams scheduled for June 22 and June 23 have been uploaded on the official websites. ICAR AIEEA admit card 2018 can be downloaded from www.aieea.net and www.icar.org.in. ICAR or Indian Council of Agricultural Research of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare organizes All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA) to Bachelor degree programmes in agriculture and allied subjects (other than veterinary sciences), at Agricultural Universities on 15% of the University seats (except RLB CAU Jhansi, NDRI Karnal and Dr. RP CAU Pusa, Bihar where 100% seats will be filled up) every year.
The Postgraduate and Ph.D entrance examinations of ICAR AIEEA will be held on June 22 and the Undergraduate entrance will be held on June 23.
ICAR Admit Card 2018: How to download
Follow the steps given here to download your ICAR admit card:
Step 1: Go to any of the official website; www.aieea.net and www.icar.org.in
Step 2: Click on the ICAR admit card link
Step 3: Enter the required details
Step 4: Submit the details
Step 5: From the next page open, download your ICAR admit card 2018
This copy of ICAR Admit Card must be self-attested by the candidate and brought to the Examination Hall for appearing in the examination.
Candidate may note that without self attestation of photo as well as signature and putting thumb impression of the candidate on ICAR Admit card, candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
Candidate is advised to preserve this ICAR Admit card till completion of counseling and admission process in the allotted Agricultural University.
In case of any difficulty in obtaining the roll number / examination venue from the www.aieea.net , the candidate is advised to contact helpline numbers; two days before the scheduled examination date.
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