ICAR AIEEA Result 2018: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research or ICAR is expected to release All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA) 2018 or ICAR AIEEA 2018 results soon on the official websites. According to the schedule published by the agricultural education regulator regarding ICAR AIEEA 2018, the results were scheduled to be released on August 30, however, according to reports, a Kerala High Court order had on August 21 stayed the results publication for three weeks. The Postgraduate (PG) and Ph.D entrance re-examinations of ICAR AIEEA were held on August 18 and the Undergraduate entrance (UG) was conducted on August 19 in more than 50 centres across the country.
The ICAR AIEEA 2018 results will be released on the websites www.icar.org.in and www.aieea.net.
According to schedule, the online counseling schedule will be released later.
The candidates who have appeared for ICAR AIEEA entrance examination are advised to remain in touch with the official websites to check their results.
The candidates' responses in CBT will be matched with the ICAR AIEEA answer keys and marks will be generated for the candidates as per specified marking scheme and the cutoff decided by the organisors.
The ICAR results will also be tabulated common merit-rank-wise and Roll number-wise indicating the category.
The ICAR AIEEA result of the entrance examination will be available in terms of overall merit-rank and category rank obtained by the candidates qualified for counseling. The rank of candidates who do not qualify in AIEEA UG 2018 will not be declared.
Only the Overall Merit Rank of ICAR AIEEA will be used for admissions in Agricultural Universities through online counseling to be done by ICAR, while other ranks are for information purposes only.
ICAR AIEEA Result:Important Points To Know

1. OMR answer sheets of the candidates shall be scanned through computer/scanner and evaluated through computer by matching the OMR answer sheet responses of the candidate with Series-wise (Series-1/ Series-2) Answer Key templates prepared beforehand. Single overall merit-rank list shall be prepared. In the event of candidates getting equal marks in the Entrance Examination, relative merit will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in the main subjects Mathematics (PCM) /Biology(PCB)/ Agriculture (ABC/PCA) in AIEEA-UG Examination. In the event of tie again, a candidate, higher in age, would be rated higher in merit. Category-wise final merit list for counseling shall be prepared based on the reservation category information given by the candidate in OMR Answer sheet.
2. The result of the AIEEA-UG-2018 will be placed on ICAR website.
3. The result of the entrance examination would be available in terms of overall merit-rank and category rank obtained by the candidates qualified for counseling.
4. All announcements related to the conduct of entrance examination including, issue of examination notification, e-Admit card information, examination result, schedule of online counseling, general notices, etc., would be posted and available on the ICAR website. The candidates are advised to be vigilant about the announcements on the ICAR website as the ICAR would not be held responsible for non-receipt of any information/ letter by post or otherwise.
5. No separate intimation about the non-selection of the candidate in AIEEA-UG-2018 Examination nor marks obtained therein, will be sent to the candidate and no correspondence (Letter/ Fax/ e-mail etc.) in this regard will be entertained
6. No Re-Checking/ Re-Evaluation of OMR Answer Sheets:
No representation for re-evaluation / rechecking shall be entertained as answer sheets of the entrance examination are in the format of OMR sheets which are evaluated through computerized scanning / processing. However, the candidate may be allowed to inspect his / her own OMR answer sheet along with answer key or given a copy thereof, if such representation / request is submitted by the candidate in his or her own handwriting and signature within 10 days from the date of declaration of result on ICAR website along with a copy of e-admit card, hard copy of online application form and Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) drawn in favour of "Secretary, ICAR Education Division Revolving Fund" payable at New Delhi.
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