ICAR All India Entrance Exam For Agriculture Courses In June; Check Exam Schedule
New Delhi:
ICAR has released a new date for the All India Entrance Exam for Agriculture (AIEEA) courses. After cancelling the AIEEA which was scheduled to be May 2018, the Council has come up with a new date. The 23rd edition of ICAR-AIEEA will be held on June 22, 2018 (for PG and PhD courses) and June 23, 2018 (for UG courses). The exam will be computer based. Admit cards for the exam will be available from June 14, 2018.
However, candidates need to apply online for the exam. Online registration portal will be open till May 31, 2018.
This is the exam through which ICAR will select candidates for admission to various undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in Agriculture and Allied Sciences. ICAR conducts this year every year to fill up 15% UG seats, 25% PG seats and seats in doctoral degree programmes in accredited Agricultural Universities except the ICAR deemed to be Universities. Through the entrance exam 475 PG scholarships and 202 JRF/ SRF (PGS) scholarships are awarded to candidates.
Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships 2018-2019
For the NS-ICARIFs applications have been invited by ICAR from Indian as well as overseas nationals having Master's degree in Agriculture and allied sciences for pursuing doctoral degree in agriculture and allied sciences. A total of thirty fellowships for duration of three years will be available.
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However, candidates need to apply online for the exam. Online registration portal will be open till May 31, 2018.
This is the exam through which ICAR will select candidates for admission to various undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in Agriculture and Allied Sciences. ICAR conducts this year every year to fill up 15% UG seats, 25% PG seats and seats in doctoral degree programmes in accredited Agricultural Universities except the ICAR deemed to be Universities. Through the entrance exam 475 PG scholarships and 202 JRF/ SRF (PGS) scholarships are awarded to candidates.
Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships 2018-2019
For the NS-ICARIFs applications have been invited by ICAR from Indian as well as overseas nationals having Master's degree in Agriculture and allied sciences for pursuing doctoral degree in agriculture and allied sciences. A total of thirty fellowships for duration of three years will be available.
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