ICAR has declared the AIEEA results online for UG and PhD courses. Candidates who had appeared for the exam can now check the results online at icar.org.in. Almost three weeks after the exam, ICAR has finally declared the results for All India Entrance Exam for Admission (AIEEA). ICAR was supposed to release the AIEEA results on August 30. The exam was held on August 18 and 19. Only the Overall Merit Rank of ICAR AIEEA will be used for admissions in Agricultural Universities through online counseling to be done by ICAR, while other ranks are for information purposes only. ICAR will not allow candidates for rechecking their answer copies. However, candidates can inspect their OMR sheet and request for a copy within 10 days from the declaration of the result along with a DD of Rs. 500 and handwritten request.
ICAR AIEEA Result 2018 For UG and PhD: Important Points For Candidates
The counselling process will conclude by September 28 and candidates will be given the admission letter by the respective Universities.
The web portal aieea.net, which was in use earlier, is obsolete. ICAR has urged candidates not to visit the website. 'The candidates, in their own interest, are advised not to visit the website, www.aieea.net, previously meant for online examination in CBT mode for any information and further communication. They are advised to remain in constant touch with ICAR's website www.icar.org.in only for any further notifications/instructions related to offline examination,' reads the official statement from the Council.
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