ICA result 2019: ICAR entrance exam result is expected today. The National Testing Agency (NTA) is likely to announce the ICAR entrance exam result today. This is the maiden exam conducted by the agency on behalf of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). NTA conducted the All India Entrance Exam for admission (AIEEA) to undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses and for determining the eligibility for research fellowship, in various institutions affiliated to the ICAR, on July 1. NTA ICAR result is expected to be released at ntaicar.nic.in and icar.org.in. The agency has released a 'revised' final answer key on July 17.
The schedule for online counselling will be released soon after the declaration of the result. Candidates should follow the official website of ICAR for details on counselling. NTA will not release the counselling schedule.
NTA ICAR Result Soon @ Ntaicar.nic.in. Here's How To Download

NTA ICAR result is expected to be released at ntaicar.nic.in and icar.org.in.
The result will be available on the ICAR website. The raw score will be available on the NTA portal. "Single overall merit-rank list shal be prepared by ICAR. In the event of candidates getting equal marks in the Entrance Examination, relative merit will be determined on the basis of marks obtained in the main subjects Mathematics (PCM)/ Biology (PCB)/ Agriculture (ABC/ PCA) in AIEEA-UG Examination. In the event of tie again, a candidate, higher in age, would be rated higher in merit," reads the exam notice.
NTA has already released the answer key and completed the formalities of answer key challenge. The result will be based on the final answer key. "No representation for re-evaluation/re-checking of answer scripts shall be entertained after the declaration of results, because candidates are given opportunity to evaluate their own recorded responses and challenge discrepancies, if any before finalizing final answer key and declaration of the result," it said.
A total of 2,36,931 candidates had registered for undergraduate courses (UG ICAR AIEEA) and 31,486 candidates had registered for postgraduate courses (PG ICAR AIEEA). Apart from this, 8,374 candidates registered for ICAR's JRF and SRF exam.
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