As per the official tweet released by ICMAI, the CMA results for June term examination has been declared today. ICMAI has declared the results for Foundation, Intermediate and Final results. Candidates can check their results on the above mentioned website using their registration number or roll number. The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) had said, 'Result for June 2018 Term of examination will be available on 23-August-2018 afternoon at the following servers: http://www.examicmai.in http://www.examicmai.org.' 'Candidates who appeared in June 2018 Term Exam are requested to visit the above links directly for the result,' it added further.
In case the official website slows down, candidates should wait for a while and retry later for checking the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) intermediate, final and foundation.

The ICMAI result page consists of Foundation result (Pass List (Syllabus 2016)), Intermediate result (Pass List Complete Pass (Syllabus 2016), Pass List Group I (Syllabus 2016), Pass List Group II (Syllabus 2016)) and Final result (Pass List Complete Pass (Syllabus 2016), Pass List Group III (Syllabus 2016), Pass List Group IV (Syllabus 2016) ).
Candidates are suggested to keep a copy of the online mark statement.
On the other hand, ICAI had declared the CA intermediate result in July 2018. Before that, ICAI had released the result for CA Final, CA Foundation, and CPT exam which was conducted in May/June 2018. It also released the the merit for CA Foundation and CA Final (Both Old and New course) then.
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