
ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025 Begins On February 18 With English Paper, Check Guidelines

ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025: The exam will start at 11am and will last for two hours. The board has issued a set of instructions that examinees must follow.

ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025 Begins On February 18 With English Paper, Check Guidelines
ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025: The results will be announced in May.
Education Result

ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) Class 10 board examination begins on February 18 with the English Language - English Paper 1. The exam will start at 11am and will last for two hours. The board has issued a set of instructions that examinees must follow.

ICSE Class 10 Board Exam 2025: Key Instructions

  • Candidates must be seated in the examination hall/room at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time.
  • In addition to the writing, time indicated on the timetable, 15 minutes will be given for reading the question paper.
  • For exams starting at 11am, the reading time will begin at 10.45am.
  • Candidates must remain in the examination hall/room until the exam concludes at the designated time.
  • If a question indicates that a map or any other stationery should have been provided, examinees must immediately inform the supervising examiner.
  • Read carefully any general instructions on the first page of the question paper, especially those regarding the number of questions to be attempted.
  • Examinees should answer only the number of questions specified in the question paper.

Answer Sheet Guidelines

  • Write your Unique ID (Unique Identification Number), Index Number, and Subject on the top sheet of the main answer booklet in the designated space. This information must also be written on the front sheet of each continuation booklet and any loose maps or graph papers used.
  • Write on both sides of each sheet unless the question paper instructions state otherwise. Leave a margin on both the right and left edges of the answer booklet. Start the answer to each part of a question on a new line.
  • Write the number of the question clearly in the left-hand margin, following the same numbering system as in the question paper. Do not copy the questions.
  • Leave a line after answering each question.
  • Neat handwriting and correct spelling will be considered. Use only black or blue ink for writing answers. Pencils may be used only for diagrams. Bring mathematical and drawing instruments and coloured pencils for subjects where they are required.
  • The use of electronic devices, including calculators, is strictly prohibited.

According to the ICSE's official notifications, the exam results will be announced in May 2025.

For further details, candidates are advised to visit the official website.