The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has introduced major changes in the CS curriculum one of which is to discontinue the CS Foundation programme. "The Foundation Programme of CS Course stands discontinued," said ICSI in a notification available on its website.
Instead, it has introduced CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET), a mandatory qualifying test for all categories of students for registration to Executive Programme.
"To ensure that the students have the requisite level of aptitude and skills to pursue the CS course and become successful professionals to meet the stakeholders' expectations, CSEET may be introduced, in place of Foundation Course, for admission to the Executive Programme of the Company Secretary Course," ICSI had said in September, while proposing its new curriculum.
10+2 pass candidates are also eligible to appear for CSEET. Candidates who have qualified ICAI and ICMAI final course will be exempted from qualifying CSEET.
The CSEET will be computer based and would comprise questions from Paper 1 (Business Communication), Paper 2 (Legal Aptitude & Logical Reasoning), Paper 3 (Economic and Business Environment) and Paper 4 (Current Affairs, Presentation and Communication Skills).
The first CSEET will be held in May and the subsequent tests will be held in July, November and January.
Candidates have to secure 50% marks in total and 40% marks in each paper to be declared qualified.
Up until now, 10+2 students who wished to pursue CS course had to enrol in the Foundation programme and qualify it for being eligible for the Executive programme.
Candidates who joined the CS course after clearing graduation had to clear only two stages of Company Secretaryship, which are Executive and Professional.
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