The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has released the admit cards for the Company Secretary exams scheduled for December session. Candidates who have registered for the exam will be able to download the admit cards from the official website of the ICSI by using their login credentials.
"The E-Admit Cards of eligible students for appearing in December, 2024 Session of CS Executive and Professionals Programme (Old and New Syllabus) examinations scheduled to be held during December 21 , 2024 to December 30, 2024 have been uploaded on the website of the Institute at www.icsi.edu and also available at the URL https://icsi.indiaeducation.net/, " reads the official notification of the ICSI website.
The exams for both the Professional programme (under the 2017 and 2022 syllabi) and the Executive programme (under the 2017 and 2022 syllabi) are scheduled between December 21 and 30.
Candidates who have qualified for the ICSI Foundation, ICAI, or ICMAI final exams are eligible for direct admission to the CS Executive Programme. Graduates with at least 50 per cent marks and postgraduate students are also eligible for direct admission to the CS Executive Programme.
After taking the printout of the Admit Card, students are advised to carefully verify all the particulars mentioned in the cards such as name, photograph, signature, registration number, stage of examination, examination centre (name, address, code, etc.), syllabus, optional subject, medium and module/group of examination, dates and timings of examination, details of paper-wise exemption granted.
Student are advised to carefully read the instructions to examinees (attached with EAdmit Card) before appearing in the examinations. In case of any query/ discrepancy, can contact the institute immediately at the E-Mail id : enroll@icsi.edu
ICSI also noted that the students must download the admit cards as the institute will not release any physical copy of the cards.