Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has begun the online application for re-evaluation for December 2019 Term End Examination. Interested students will also be able to obtain a copy of their answer script through the same application process. IGNU has activated a link on its website through which students can apply for re-evaluation or to obtain copy of their answer script.
Only those candidates whose IGNOU December 2019 term end exam result has been released will be allowed to apply for online re-evaluation and copy of answer scripts.
IGNOU Application for Photocopy of Answer Script
Students who are not satisfied with their marks as mentioned in the grade card available online can apply to view a photocopy of their answer script. The application fee is Rs. 100 and the application should reach the concerned evaluation centre within 45 days of declaration of result. Students who find that any portion of the answer was not evaluated or any totaling error is noticed, may point out the same and submit their representation along with a copy of the answer script supplied to them within 15 days. The list of evaluation centres is given at the end of the application form.
IGNOU Re-checking of Answer Sheets
Students who wish to apply for re-checking of their answer sheets can download the application format form the official website. The application fee for rechecking is Rs. 750 for each paper. The application for re-checking must be submitted within a month of declaration of result. The minimum time for re-evaluation is 30 days from the day of receiving the application. After re-evaluation, the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after reevaluation will be considered.
IGNOU will also allow students to appear for an improvement exam. The details for the improvement exam will be released on the University website later.